blackthund3r Search

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Hey guys!

This isn't really new news but I thought I'd put out there that I have a kick-ass minecraft server thanks to @qwertyoruiop :)

It has minimum 1024M RAM with permission to go up to 8GiB if it want to. It runs on a quad core i5 with a super-fast internet connection. To get started head to minecraft and add the server - yes you read it right. Cake :D The name of the server is thund3rShadowLand (it is the old ShadowLand server rebuilt by yours truly and REPLACES (RIP VPS!!!)) and is the new cake ( is the same thing - in fact I am merely CNAME'd to it :P). Backups are 30-minutely and anti-grief tools are implemented and sophisticated. Every 12 hours a backup is uploaded to my FTP. These backups are so that if cake is messed up no more than half a day's work will be lost and if there is irreparable griefing (or a massive server issue) the whole server (plugins, craftbukkit and all) can be rolled back in half-hour intervals. Major props to @qwertyoruiop for allowing me to do this :D

On connecting you will be unable to move. If this is your first visit, simply type /register - this is to stop people with cracked versions of minecraft stealing your username whilst still allowing them to play. On logging on in the future you can login with /login . Next bit of info: newcomers cannot build. Please speak to a moderator and say you're new and the mod will make you a member of 'Regulars'. Regulars are basically builders. Ask an op or above for a gamemode change. TNT will not detonate so don't try it!

The server is a mix of survival and creative. Mobs spawn but they do not do damage so you are safe to build stuff out of wool if it so pleases you and a creeper will not destroy it! Griefers are not welcome but feel free to pick a spot and build :) You may use creative gates - ask an op first though please as many of the materials are used already.

Enjoy and see you on 'Teh Cake'! ;)
