Stage 1
- Google work on a private update that is under wraps
- Information about this update is leaked
- Google announce new Android release
- Google push release to official Android source tree
- Device manufacturers start to take an extremely long time to update their modified version of Android for their specific device
- Hacking community released build one of the new version of Android for each device one by one. Usually a beta and buggy
- More betas from the hacking community are released
- Manufacturers staying quiet
- Roughly the same as stage 3
- More modded releases are announced; become less buggy
- Cyanagon mod eventually comes out with a pre-release before the manufacturer.
- At this point there are now 2+ alternative mods for the device
- By now mods of mods have been made as well as mods of those mods and various other tweaks, mods and ROMs for those releasess
- Even more ROMs come out and start competing as well as a sh*t load more mods of mods
- The community is confuzzled
- The manufacturer is still behind
Stage 7
- Manufacturer eventually releases their version of the new update
- Release is usually pared down
- Modstock and various rooting tools become available for the update
- ROMs are stiill being updated
- At this point you have official, modstock, official + rooting tool, Cyanagon mod and some custom ROMs
- People are happy!!!!
- Google pushes a surprise update............................
- Go figure out the next bit
Because, although a bit over the top, it's true. Don't get me wrong here but Android is clearly a ridiculously fragmented OS. Such a shame the manufacturers can't work much harder with Google to push updates out faster. Sorry, but iOS just pwns in this area because there is ONE tree. ONE update for each device and a few jailbreak toold but only ONE custom firmware. Otherwise Android is cool.