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Friday, 12 November 2010

0wnCentre–and something else :)

Sorry for not blogging for ages – I have been, however, hard at work with some iPhone-related projects Smile It has been hard to maintain a blog, website and Twitter updates simultaneously so this blog has been left behind unfortunately….Disappointed smile

So, I mentioned some projects….
First of all, 0wnCentre. 0wnCentre is an all-in-one solution for installing 4.1’s Game Center on the iPhone 3G – the only 4.1-capable device to be left behind with this gaming sensation. Previous projects such as Fallensn0w’s iCenter installed the old 4.0 GM version of Game Center and also broke copyright laws. 0wnCentre solves all of these issues with one sexy program Open-mouthed smile 

HOWEVER: although some people have had success with 0wnCentre – many have had to restore their devices after applying it. The symptom of this issue is the iPhone freezing on the Apple Logo after the post-installation reboot. If you want to give it a try, however, the download link is below. Please note that you need 7-Zip / Winzip / WinRAR to open it as it is tar.bz2 compressed. As for requirements – it is Windows-only at the moment though both Mac and Linux versions are in the works thanks to qwertyoruiop and malontop respectively Winking smile

Okay – da link is: – enjoy!! You need .Net Framework 2.0 (or later) which is on most PCs anyway – in fact as far as I know Vista is bundled with it!

Anyway – for the other project………… updateMe
updateMe is SECRET at the moment – but will be immense Smile The official site is so watch this space. As far as progress is concerned: it is nearly done. Just for some testing, debugging and finishing touches. Follow blackthund3r and HamsterPyro on Twitter for the latest development information Smile