blackthund3r Search

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Support is always appreciated....

If you wish to donate to help us test on/hack new devices or help us get a proper website, please use the button below!!! Many Thanks...

Thanks again!

Sunday, 28 March 2010


It seems geohot has successfully untetered the new iPod touches and new 3GSs, though we will not release that before he does. We wouldn't want Apple patching the iPad, would we??

The blackthund3r project still lives and will still have a use. Once we release, we will patch with new exploits once geohot has done so. Congrats to him!


It seems geohot has successfully untetered the new iPod touches and new 3GSs, though we will not release that before he does. We wouldn't want Apple patching the iPad, would we??

The blackthund3r project still lives and will still have a use. Once we release, we will patch with new exploits once geohot has done so. Congrats to him!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Auto Boot???

Just wondering, should we write a background process that auto boots any pwned devices that are in recovery mode or will that be annoying?? It would also mean an installation rather than the tradition of jailbreaks being single executables/folders with no install (iLiberty + doesn't count!)

On the development front, it currently boots tethered and assists in the set up of libusb as the backend requires this. It may also support custom boot and recovery logos, but no more info. Virtual lips sealed...

Sunday, 14 March 2010


Just thought We'd release a screen shot of the Splash Screen to give you guys some bearing on this
Apart from that, the rest of the project will be kept under wraps. We will slowly release info as things become releasable, but not much yet

Hello, World!

Now that you’re here, you may as well check out what we have been working on! You’ve seen redsn0w. You’ve felt blackra1n, but now, in the next couple of months, it will start heavily thund3ring!
Woah, woah, woah, too much info. Slow down!
Ok, so let’s explain this project in a little more detail, then. Redsn0w is great, but slow and needs a retched IPSW! Blackra1n is simple, hacky and fast. So fast that no instruction is given whatsoever! Then once you find out how easy it is and try to use iPhoneBrowser, it doesn’t detect your root partition, so you need to manually start an AFC2. Damn. blackthund3r aims to correct all this in a jailbreak that is midway between redsn0w and blackra1n. Awesome! One last thing: This will be the first British jailbreak - what are redsn0w, blackra1n and others? All American! Watch this space for heavy thund3r!